Four Artistic Ways to Repurpose Your Old Tea Cups and Coffee Mugs

March 01, 2019 1 min read 1 Comment

Is your kitchen cabinet filled with a mish-mash of teacups and coffee mugs that you have stopped using? Rather than letting them gather dust, bring out these unloved pieces and upcycle them into useful articles so that they get the attention they deserve! Here are three artistic ways to repurpose old cups and mugs.

1. Use them as Herb Planters

Tea cups and mugs are of the perfect size for planting herbs. All you need is some small rocks, potting soil and herb seeds. Just add the rocks at the bottom, a layer of soil on top of that and plant seeds in the soil. Water the seeds daily, and enjoy the beautiful result of your toil.

Source: Pinterest


2. Use them as Candle Holders

Beautiful cups make stunning candleholders, and are perfect to add a vintage vibe to your space! Read our blog article on How to Make Tea-Cup Candles in 3 Easy Steps.

Source: Pinterest


3. Use them as Pendant Lights

Use teacups and saucers to create eclectic pendant lights. This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating pendant lighting from tea-cups and saucers.

Source: Pinterest


4. Use them as Mini Vases

Coffee mugs can look great as mini vases. Just add your favorite mini bouquets and display them in any space to enliven it.

Source: Pinterest


1 Response


March 02, 2019

beautiful, i lov your style thee way you use the products for decors

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